Expert Tibial Nail
Drill and determine the locking screw length
Drill Bit
3.2 mm, calibrated,
length 340 mm,
3-flute, for Quick Coupling
(with blue and yellow marking)
Drill Bit
4.2 mm, calibrated,
length 340 mm,
3-flute, for Quick Coupling
(with green marking)
Ensure that the drill sleeve is pressed firmly to the near cor-
tex. Using the corresponding drill bit (3.2 mm for 4.0 mm
locking screws or 4.2 mm for 5.0 mm locking screws), drill
through both cortices until the tip of the drill bit penetrates
the far cortex.
Confirm drill bit position.
Ensure that the drill sleeve is pressed firmly to the near cortex
and read the measurement from the calibrated drill bit at
the back of the drill sleeve. This measurement corresponds to
the appropriate length of the locking screw. Remove the
drill bit and the drill sleeve.
Proximal locking
0X6.000.380_AC.qxp:0X6.000.380_AC 20.01.2009 10:31 Uhr Seite 38