Confirm nail length and diameter
Radiographic Ruler for Tibial Nails,
length 450 mm
The required nail length must be determined after reduction
of the lower leg fracture.
Position the C-arm for an AP view of the distal tibia. With
long forceps, hold the ruler along the leg, parallel to and at
the same level as the tibia. Adjust the ruler until the distal tip
is at the level of the physeal scar or the desired nail insertion
depth. Mark the skin at that site.
Move the C-arm to the proximal tibia, replace the distal end
of the ruler at the skin mark, and take an AP image of the
proximal tibia. Read nail length directly from the ruler image,
selecting the measurement at or just below the level of the
anterior edge of the tibial plateau.
When using the large distractor, measure the distance from
the inferior border of the distal pin to the superior border of
the proximal pin to determine optimal nail length.
Position the C-arm for an AP or lateral view of the tibia at
the level of the isthmus. Hold the ruler over the tibia so that
the diameter gauge is centered over the narrowest part of
the medullary canal. Read the diameter measurement on the
circular indicator that fills the canal.
Compression or dynaminization must be taken into
account when determining the nail length. A shorter nail
should be chosen when active compression is planned for
the procedure. The dynamic locking option allows for 7 mm
of travel.
0X6.000.380_AC.qxp:0X6.000.380_AC 20.01.2009 10:31 Uhr Seite 11