slide the 27 mm glenoid resurfacing reamer onto the
central guide pin and carry out the reaming using a power
tool. This reamer prepares a smooth curved surface with
the same diameter as the metaglene (Figure 27). use the
metaglene reamer carefully to avoid any fracturing of the
glenoid, especially if the glenoid is sclerotic.
start the reaming, turning at low speed prior to engaging
the glenoid. it is useful to collect the bony products
of reaming for possible grafting. Irrigate frequently
to maximise visualisation and thereby ensure optimal
reaming. preserve the subchondral bone.
Ream the upper area of the glenoid by hand, using the
manual 42 mm glenoid reamer (Figure 28).
This step is
necessary to avoid any potential conflict between the
glenosphere and the superior area of the glenoid
(Figure 29).
manual reaming should be carried out until the central
part of the manual reamer is in full contact with the
curved central glenoid surface.
Figure 27
Figure 28
Figure 29