position the plate as inferiorly as possible so that its border
follows the inferior edge of the glenoid. Note that inferior
osteophytes may result in mal-positioning. X-rays should
therefore be checked to avoid this problem.
providing the morphology of the glenoid has not
been altered by disease, the guide plate is oriented
perpendicularly to the plane of the glenoid face. Ensure
that the proximal handle of the instrument is not tilted
superiorly. The guide pin should be inserted either
perpendicularly to the glenoid face or with a slight
superior direction. This ensures that the glenosphere will
either be perpendicular or with a slight inferior tilt which
may reduce the risk of scapular notching.
place the 2.5 mm metaglene central guide pin in the plate
central hole and drive it 3 - 4 cm through the glenoid
using a power tool (Figure 25).
Remove the metaglene positioner, leaving the guide pin in
place (Figure 26).
posiTioNiNg ThE mETAgLENE
Figure 25
Figure 26