SwannEye IP Camera
12.2.1. Forgotten the administrator username or password?
The default username is:
. The password is
If you have set a new administrator username or password and you cannot
remember it, you will need to reset the camera back to its default factory settings.
Press and hold down the RESET BUTTON on the camera for 5 seconds. The
cameras will be reset back to factory settings with default username: admin and
the password is 123456.
12.2.2. Indoor images flicker?
This happens when the camera is used under fluorescent lights. Set the MODE
option under ‘For Operator’ to the correct setting for your region (i.e. 50hz or
60hz). Try the other setting. If it doesn’t work, you can easily change it back.
12.2.3. There is no picture in Internet Explorer (IE)
Have you accepted the warning and downloaded the ActiveX control in IE?
Have you chosen the correct Sign In for your browser? ActiveX will only work
in Internet Explorer. Choose the browser mode that matches your browser. If
your browser is not listed, please use one of the listed browsers to access the
IP camera (i.e. Internet Explorer, Mozilla Firefox, Google Chrome).
12.2.4. IP Address configuration
Check whether IP address of the camera shares the same subnet as your work
Click My Computer > Control Panel>Network & Dial-up Connections > LAN >
Attributes >Internet Protocols (TCP/IP), and check IP Address and Subnet Mask.
Make sure they are in the same subnet when configuring IP Camera IP address