SwannEye IP Camera
SwannEye Search Tool options
If your camera is successfully listed in the Device List window, you can now
proceed to “6. Using the SwannEye Search Tool on the local network” on page
11 to log in and view the camera and configure its settings.
The right side of this window will show you the Device Information, IP Config and
Authentication information.
Search (F3)
: Refreshes the
Device List
Browse (F4)
: Opens the feed from the highlighted camera in the
Device List
an Internet browser window. The browser will be your default browser. For best
results, we suggest using Internet Explorer.
: The IP address shown here for each camera is the INTERNAL Local Area
Network (LAN) IP address for each camera. You can use this address to access the
IP camera from within the same network you have attached it to but you cannot
access the IP camera from the internet using this number. See “10.1. What are IP
addresses” on page 51 for more information.