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SwannEye IP Camera
10.5. DDNS
Dynamic Domain Name Servers are similar to DNS servers. The difference is that
they are meant for people who don’t want to buy a domain name (like Google.
com), but still want an easy way to remember their own IP address. Domain
names have yearly fees to register and maintain. You probably want something
a little more simple.
Dynamic DNS names are offered by many website for free or a very small fee if you
want extra features. The free type will suit most uses.
By registering one of these dynamic domain names, you can assign this name
to your IP camera, making it easier to remember. When you type that name into
your browser, the name is checked by a DNS server, the link to your IP address is
found and the information is sent to your camera.
: DDNS names with simple features like the ones required here are
generally free. The free type will expire if they are not accessed for 30 days
(such as your IP camera not updating the link). Be warned that if you switch
off your camera for more than 30 days and have no other device using that
DDNS name, it will expire and you will need to register a new DDNS name).
Alternatively, you can pay a small yearly fee which will secure the DDNS name
during your subscription period, even if you don’t use it.
10.5.1. Linking DDNS names to IP addresses
How does the DDNS name know my IP address if my IP address changes all the
time? Good question!
You need to link your DDNS name to your IP address so that when the IP address
changes, the DDNS updates the link. This all happens behind the scenes. All you
need to remember when you are on the other side of the country, or the world, is
that DDNS name.
10.5.2. How to link the name?
The IP camera has DDNS built in! Therefore, once you register your DDNS name,
you can just enter the details in the DDNS Settings (see “8.4.10. Network: DDNS
Settings” on page 34) and the camera will automatically update the link each
time your IP address changes.
You can also set up DDNS at your router so that the DDNS name reaches all your
devices conected to your router.