AMU pH-Redox
Program List and Explanations
A-96.250.441 / 060619
2.5 Interface
Only available if optional interface is installed.
Shows the programmed communication settings.
3 Maintenance
3.1 Calibration
Process pH/Redox:
The process calibration is based on a com-
parative measurement of the current electrode with a calibrated
comparative electrode. See
Current Value
: shows the measuring value of the current
: Shows the deviation of the measuring value of the current
electrode and the calibrated comparative electrode in mV.
Process Value
: Enter the measured value of the calibrated
comparative electrode.
Standard pH/Redox:
Performs a standard calibration. Follow the
instruction on the screen. See
3.2 Simulation
To simulate a value or a relay state, select the
alarm relay
relay 1 and 2
signal output 1 and 2
with the [
] or [
] key.
Press the [Enter] key.
Change the value or state of the selected item with the [
] or
] key.
The value is simulated by the relay/signal output.
At the absence of any key activities, the instrument will switch back
to normal mode after 20 min. If you quit the menu, all simulated val-
ues will be reset.
Alarm Relay:
Relay 1
Relay 2:
Signal Output 1:
Signal Output 2:
Active or inactive
Active or inactive
Active or inactive
Actual current in mA
Actual current in mA