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Smartphone Linkage
When Android Auto / Apple CarPlay
session is active on wired or wireless, the
Phone and Music options are disabled for
all the other paired devices.
Figure 66: Android Auto Home Screen
When an Android Auto / Apple CarPlay
connection is active, pairing of new phone
option still available for Phone and Music
profiles but will be have pop up confirma-
You cannot delete wired connected An-
droid Auto / Apple CarPlay from the paired
device list.
You cannot delete *wireless connected
Android Auto / Apple CarPlay from the
paired device list.
Enable location in your smartphone to
access Android Auto / Apple CarPlay map
Please visit Google’s website http://www.
android.com/auto/ to learn more about the
features available for Android Auto.
You cannot use Bluetooth while using
Android Auto.
Audio output : The audio output of the con-
nected smartphone (e.g. announcements
from a navigation app) will be audible at
a higher volume, and the current audio
output of the device (e.g. currently playing
media) will be heard at a lower volume.
When connected via Android Auto, the
Bluetooth audio player feature will not
be available; in this case, please use the
Android Auto audio player instead.
You can use Google assistance to control
Android Auto through voice commands (In-
ternet connectivity required) Performance
may very depending on data connectivity.
Some Android Auto features might not
work and currently not available in your
Figure 65: Home screen with Android Auto
In the Home screen, tap tile. The
system displays the Android Auto Home
screen with the supported list of apps.
When you connect your Android phone
for the first time, the system prompts you
to follow the instruction on your phone.
Please follow the instructions for success-
ful connections.
To connect Android Auto, the system date
must be set to current date.
Figure 64: Android Auto Selection Popup
Connection Screen
To connect through wireless Android Auto,
connect Android smartphone through
bluetooth as specified on 5. PHONE page
1. Press Android Auto on phone linkage
pop-up to connect to wireless Android
Once the connection is successful, the
system indicates that an Android Auto is
connected and changes the name of the
Connect tile to Android Auto in the Home
screen and Android Auto icon will be
appear on Paired device screen.