DLD4040 R2.55 & R3.54 Manual | Surface Concept GmbH
2.3 General Overview of the System
The Surface Concept delayline detectors are particularly developed for the needs of 1D(x), 2D(x,t), 2D(x,y)
or 3D(x,y,t) area and time detection of electrons, ions, x-ray and UV-light.
The DLD4040 R2.55 is mounted on CF160, the DLD4040 R3.54 on a CF100 vacuum flange with feedthroughs
for high voltage supply and signal transfer. It consists of a microchannel plate stack and two layers (x, y) of
meander structured delaylines. The image is sampled by the DLD readout electronics.
The 3D (x, y, t) detection bases on the measurement of time differences and time sums of signals, with a
high temporal resolution in one device. The count rate can reach several MHz in the commonly used 4-fold
coincidence measurement.
Typical applications are:
• imaging of parallel incident particle beams, particularly electrons
• spatially resolved time of flight spectroscopy in 2D/time resolved mode
• time referenced imaging of electrons excited by repetitive driven sources
and in energy analyzers:
• Fermi surface mapping, band mapping, photoelectron diffraction measurements, and similar angular
dispersion experiments in 2D mode
• XPS, UPS, ESCA and AES in virtual channel mode
• Stroboscopic experiments in 2D/time resolved mode