Pressing the “Other” button in the setting menu, you can see the screen as the <Fig. 5.3.7-1>. Other set-
tings include sound, language, stitch number initialization, and date & time.
This sets the volume of the sound when the power is turned on/off or when a menu is selected.
The default value is “0(OFF)”, and it can be set from “0” to “5.”
This sets the language that is displayed on the OP. Supported languages are German, Indonesian,
Italian, Turkish, Korean, and English. You can select the language you want by pressing the combo
Stitch Number Initialization
This initializes the stitch number.
To initialize, select “Yes(1)”. If you do not want, select “No(0)” and press “OK” button.
Date & Time
You can change the date and time that are displayed on the top right of the operation program.
Press the input column once, and select the date and time that you want using the arrow keys. Press
“OK” button to fi nish setting.