Max. RPM
This sets the maximum RPM of the machine.
- It can be set from the min. RPM to 1000[rpm] by 1[rpm] unit.
Emb. RPM
This sets the embroidery RPM during the work.
- You can set this by 1[rpm] unit ranging from the min. RPM to max. RPM that is set in the machine
parameter setting.
Min. RPM
This sets the minimum RPM of the machine.
- It can be set up to the max. RPM from 300[rpm] by 1[rpm] unit.
Jump RPM
This sets the limit RPM when carrying out the jump stitch where the frame moves without any stitch-
- It can be set from 300[rpm] to 900[rpm] by 1[rpm] unit.
Inching RPM
This sets the low speed stitching speed when starting the embroidery.
- It can be set from 50[rpm] to 200[rpm] by 1[rpm] unit.
Slow Speed
This sets the embroidery speed during the slow speed work.
- It ranges from the min. RPM to the max. RPM by 1[rpm] unit.
Inching Stitch
When the embroidery starts, the machine starts operating slowly with the inching RPM. This sets the
number of stitches at this slow speed period.
- It can be set from 1[stitches] to 10[stitches] by 1[stitch] unit.
Frame Type (
Only Available for Tubular Type Machines)
You can set the kind of frame that you want to work with.
- The default value is “Flat(0)”, and you can choose “Cap(1)” or “User(2).”
Speed Data
If the material is too heavy to work properly, this function lowers the embroidery speed generally.
Auto Trim
This determines whether to use the automatic trim function or not.
- You can set “No(0)” if you do not want this function.