© 2021 Sunman (Zhenjiang) Company Limited
All rights reserved. Specifications included in this manual are subject to change without notice.
version 2021A page19 / 20
7.0 Maintenance
To ensure optimal performance of modules and maximize system power generation, the
following maintenance measures are recommended:
1 Module appearance inspection, focusing on the following points:
a) Whether the module is damaged;
b) Whether there is a sharp object touching the surface of the module;
c) Whether the modules are obstructed by obstacles and objects, avoiding new trees,
new poles etc. to shielding the modules;
d) Check for corrosion near the busbar. This kind of corrosion is caused by the
damage of the module surface during transportation, which causes moisture to penetrate
into the interior of the module.
e) Check the adhesive tape between the module and the roof for looseness or
damage and adjust or repair it in time.
2 Clean the modules. The accumulation of dust or dirt on the surface of the modules
will reduce the power output. It should be cleaned regularly to keep the surface clean.
Generally, it should be cleaned at least once a month, appropriately increase the
frequency in the harsh natural environment.
Pay attention when cleaning PV modules:
a) Rinse with water first, then dry the water with a soft cloth. Do not use corrosive
solvents to clean or wipe the PV modules with hard objects.
b) The PV module should be cleaned at an irradiance of less than 200 W/m2. It
should be cleaned in the absence of sunlight or in the morning and evening.
c) It is strictly forbidden to clean PV modules under meteorological conditions
where the wind is greater than grade 4, heavy rain or heavy snow.
Note: Do not walk, stand or sit on the module when cleaning.
3 Connector and cable inspection. It is recommended to conduct a preventive
inspection every six months:
a) Check for signs of aging of PV modules, including possible rodent damage,
weathering, and whether all connectors are tightly connected or corroded;