Chapter 8
Genlocking Sun XVR-4000 Graphics Accelerators
Refer to “Man Pages” on page 37 to access detailed descriptions of the
suboptions through the
man page. This section also describes
how to invoke
fbconfig -dev zulu0 -help
. You can use other
suboptions to adapt genlocking to special (non Sun) video formats whose timing
exactly matches that of a Sun video format.
Genlock Limitations
Using only genlock (rather than bothlock) enables vertical synchronization with the
genlock master source only for composite synchronization video formats, with
serrations, for pixel clocks less than 150 Mhz. (All Sun video formats with composite
synchronization include serrations.) For other video formats, genlock alone
synchronizes the pixel frequency and horizontal phase, but not the vertical phase.
Using bothlock instead of genlock achieves both horizontal and vertical types of
to enable both genlock and framelock. Bothlock uses both genlock
and framelock techniques and requires cabling for both (see Chapter 7 for
Bothlock Advantages
Bothlock is the only way to achieve both vertical and horizontal synchronization for
a high-speed video format (pixel clock at or above 150 Mhz), or for a video format
with separate synchronization (see
). Bothlock is also recommended for
other video formats whenever a framelock signal is available (that is, when the
source is a Sun graphics accelerator with a Sun framelock/stereo connector).