Sun StorEdge N8400 Filer Installation, Configuration, and Service Guide
Backup Client Support
The filer supports two backup products by default:
Sun Solstice Backup™ software
VERITAS NetBackup™ software
To Enable the Sun Solstice Backup Software
1. Establish a telnet connection to the filer.
On a PC, choose Start
Run, and type
On Solaris systems, type
hostname in the terminal window.
Where hostname is the host name of the filer.
The log in prompt appears.
2. Type
3. Type the root password.
4. Type:
5. Answer the questions and follow the instructions.
To Install the VERITAS NetBackup Software
Follow the instructions in the VERITAS NetBackup System Administrator’s Guide,
“Adding Clients” section, to download and configure the client software.
# /opt/SUNWsfadm/scripts/backup_cfg.sh