Sun StorEdge N8400 Filer Installation, Configuration, and Service Guide • August 2001
Initial Filer Setup
This section includes instructions for configuring the filer hardware. To set up the
filer hardware, see Sun StorEdge N8400 Filer Hardware Setup. The filer hardware
includes at least one partner group of Sun StorEdge T3 Arrays (hereafter referred to
as “arrays”), the Sun Enterprise 420R Server, and the Sun expansion cabinet. This
section contains the following topics:
“To Set Up the Initial System Configuration” on page 10
“To Configure for PC Network Connectivity” on page 15
“To Verify the Installation” on page 16
To Set Up the Initial System Configuration
This section describes how to set up and configure the filer to communicate with the
network hosts. Before starting this procedure you must be connected to the filer with
a console as shown in
Note –
Before you start this procedure, review Step 4 to obtain the required
information. See your network administrator.
1. Establish communications with the Sun Enterprise 420R Server from your console
by doing one of the following:
a. For Sun and other UNIX systems, type:
where x = a or b
Go to Step 2 on page 13.
b. For systems using Microsoft Windows™ 95, 98, or NT:
i. Choose: Start
The Run dialog box is displayed.
# tip -9600 /dev/tty