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8.4 Display console buttons
There are a couple of uses of the buttons and knobs on the display console, namely to adjust settings or to get
-- means the “OFF”
“0” on the display means: “No heat Demand”
On Heat Demand, the required boiler temperature is shown on the
or domestic water
temperature during DHW demand (DHW if fitted )
8.4.1 Service Button
press button.
In order to set the gas-valve for the maximum output as well as for the minimum output, the
appliance has to be put into the SERVICE mode: press a ball pen (or similar) into the small hole
beneath the plastic cap at the right side of the control fascia (see 8.1 page 25).
By turning the CH knob, the speed of the fan can be set between the maximum and minimum speed.
The display will show the speed of the fan e.g. 25 means 2500 r/min.
After 10 min. the boiler switches back to the automatic program: If the setting of the gas-valve is not
complete, press the switch again.
The temperature of all the connected sensors can be shown (without the help of a laptop) on the
display. Press the RESET button, the first temperature is now shown (blinking) together with the
code of the sensor (blinking).
To see the temperature of the next sensor, press again the RESET button.
8.5 Filling and venting the Boiler and the system in preparation for light up.
Fill the central heating boiler and the heating system using the appropriate filling method. The correct fill
pressure is >0.5 bar max 6 bar
Pay attention to the following aspects in order to prevent corrosion of the CH system:
Fill water:
if desired use X100 (only) additive to the water for the central heating
. The pH value
should be higher than 5 (if not, we suggest you contact Strebel).Test the water. Use additive as required
Thoroughly flush out the central heating system removing all traces of flux and debris.
Ensure that any plastic pipes that are being used are oxygen diffusion-proof in accordance with DIN
4726/4729. If not, separate the boiler circuit and the plastic pipes using a plate heat exchanger
Check the circuit for leaks to prevent oxygen from entering the system.
The boiler has
an automatic air vent,
at the top of the boiler,
this must be opened
when the boiler is put
into operation
. Check that the A/V screw cap is open by at least one twist
. Check all system air vents are
Shortly after putting the boiler into operation, check the filling pressure and add more water to maintain the
required pressure, if necessary .Cure any leaks on the heating and dhw system