StorageWorks DLT 10/20 GB Cartridge Tape Drive
Order Number: EK–SM1TB–UG. E01
5. Load a cassette tape into the drive and observe the T
indicator. The indicator
initially should blink momentarily at 1-second intervals after the handle is closed
(pushed down) as the tape drive engages the tape, then double-blink at the same interval
while the tape is being moved to the correct position. Depending on whether this is a
new tape or a tape with some previously recorded data, this blinking period should ex-
tend for from 20 seconds to a few minutes after the cassette is loaded, until the tape has
reached the applicable position for recording new data, after which the T
cator should remain steadily on.
6. After the unit passes POST, connect the subsystem to your host computer through ap-
propriate SCSI interface cables, and then have your system administrator assign a device
name to the drive, if applicable.
If you are connecting the SBB tape drive to a fast, single-ended
SCSI bus, the interface cable cannot exceed three meters (9.8
feet). If you are connecting the tape drive to a slow, single-ended
SCSI bus, the interface cable can be up to 6 meters (19.7 feet) in
length. In both cases, this maximum cable length includes not only
the length of cable from the pedestal subsystem to the host com-
puter but also the length of cable internal to the subsystem
(including the backplane) and the length of cable internal to the
host computer.