Instructions for Use
4 Intended Use
The ASTOPAD patient warming system is intended to prevent or treat hypother-
mia and to provide warmth to patients.
4.1 Indications for Use
The ASTOPAD patient warming system is indicated for use in all areas of
healthcare facilities for preventing or treating hypothermia or maintaining normo-
thermia. The warming blankets can be used over or under the patient (pediatric
and adult) by appropriately trained healthcare professionals.
4.2 Contraindications
No contraindications are known for patient warming.
4.3 Possible adverse effects
In normal use, no side effects arising from ASTOPAD are to be expected. For
longer surgical procedures there is an increased pressure ulcer risk for the pa-
tient. To reduce the pressure ulcer risk, therefore, the additional use of a pres-
sure-relieving support is recommended after an operating time of two hours.
4.4 Intended patient group
For pediatrics under 90 cm in length/height use only the ASTOPAD applied part
For all other patients (greater than 90 cm in length/height) all available ASTOPAD
applied parts can be used (COV070, COV105, COV155, COV180).
4.5 Intended body part
ASTOPAD applied parts
are intended for use underneath or over the pa-
tient, partial or complete (torso and extremities on all sites), head (without visual
Control unit, connecting cable and applied parts are not intended for direct skin
contact. A thin waterproof and absorbent barrier shall always be used between
applied part and patient.
4.6 Intended user profile
The device may only be used by qualified medical personnel.