Tail post installation: With the fuselage up-right, place a weight over the front of the fuselage then move to the
tail and dry fit former F13 to aft end of fuselage. F13 Spans the fuselage sides locking into FB2 (the tab in F13
should not extend below FB2). Square the tail post to the work surface. Once square, wick thin CA into joints
between F13, the fuselage sides, and FB2.
Starting with F10 slip formers F10, F11, and F12 in-between fuselage sides. F10-12 interlock with fuselage
sides and tab into slots in FB2. Check to ensure that the fuselage is again square at the tail post and tack glue
F10-12 into position.
10. Key the 1/16” Balsa former FT2 into position spanning the fuselage sides and F12. Tack into position with thin
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