tel: 0845 300 9799
. 20140612
Mug Painting Kit
Art.no 31-8060
Please read the entire instruction manual before using the product and then save it for future reference.
We reserve the right for any errors in text or images and any necessary changes made to technical data.
In the event of technical problems or other queries, please contact our Customer Services.
This product is intended for use by children over the age of five.
Handy hint!
• Add a few drops of water to the paint if it seems too dry.
• Feel free to mix the paints to create new colours.
• Remove any unwanted paint and make any changes to your design before placing the mug into
the oven for glazing. Changes cannot be made after the mug has been glazed.
• For the best results, let the paint dry at room temperature for 24 hours before glazing the mug in
the oven. The colours will look washed out if you try to glaze the mug in the oven too early.
• Let the mug cool thoroughly after glazing before attempting to use it.
The glazing is not dishwasher safe.
Things to consider:
• Protect your clothing by wearing an apron while painting.
• Plan your design before beginning to paint.
• Protect the table or work surface that you will be using with newspaper or other suitable material.
• Make sure you close all your paint lids after you have finished.
• Clean the brush with water when mixing colours or whenever you have finished.
• Use a conventional oven for glazing
not a microwave.
• Do not remove the mug directly from the oven after 25 minutes as it will be too hot to handle at
this point.
• Do not attempt to glaze the mug in the oven directly after painting. Let it dry for some time first.
1. Wipe the mug with a dry cloth to ensure it is thoroughly dry before painting it with the supplied paints
and brush.
2. Let the mug dry at room temperature for 24 hours.
3. Place the mug in the oven for glazing.
Do not use a microwave oven for glazing.
4. Set the temperature to 100 ºC (212 ºF) and glaze the mug for about 25 minutes.
5. Turn off the oven and let the mug cool before trying to attempt to remove it.
6. Your custom designed mug is now complete.
This product should be disposed of in accordance with local regulations.
If you are unsure how to proceed, contact your local council.