23. The 1/16” sheeting was your primer for the next step. This step takes some time…note the 1 page
dissertation…. Is it late? Go to bed and start fresh on this tomorrow.
Back again? Ok lets begin. Test fit the parts to get a feel for how they “wrap” across the fuselage… be gentle
with the formers as the entire structure is pretty weak until sheeted.
In the same fashion that you sheeted the forward section of the fuselage you will want to stand up the 1/32”
balsa sheeting along the upper fuselage longeron. Lets try to sheet this section dry (to prevent shrinking) if
absolutely necessary moisten with glass cleaner to assist in forming the balsa to the formers F10-12. Begin to
wrap the parts and align along the top of former F12. The sheeting should fit flush along F12 and flush along
the upper longeron. You will note that it takes some shifting of the part to achieve the fit. You will also observe
that the sheeting has been left long past F10. Tape up those fingers with masking tape to avoid getting stuck to
the parts! I like to use masking tape to hold the sheeting flush and fast to the upper longeron, work in the aft
section of the sheet then tack glue along the joint between the upper longeron and sheet. Slowly begin to work
sheet over the formers (not too hard now) to the center turtle deck spine F16. Tack to F16 and begin working
the opposite side around. The two sheets should meet in the middle or slightly overlap. Take care of the
overlap by sanding it out or shaving it off with a fresh razor.
Run CA along the joints between F12, F11, and finally F10. Allow time to dry.
Moisten the section of the turtle deck sheeting forward of F10. Cup your hands around the sheeting and hold in
position flush with F9. Run thin CA along joint between F9 repeat for the opposite side.
Using a sharp razor slice away the excess sheet forward of F9 leaving some excess to then be sanded flush
with F9 using a sanding block.
Fill any gaps with balsa filler and sand.
24. Install the battery tray. Dry fit 3/16” Balsa formers F6 and F7 along with 1/16” ply battery tray BT1 to fuselage.
Formers F6/7 span the fuselage sides while the BT1 battery tray spans F6/F7/F2/and Keys into slot provided in
F1. Run liberal amounts of thin CA along joints especially ply to balsa joints. I like to double the ply to balsa
joints with a thin fillet of Thick CA or 5 minute epoxy (preferred).
© 2004 Stevens AeroModel.