19. Key F9 to FT1 and lean against F10. The inside edge of F9 should meet the top aft edge of FT1. Check to
ensure that F9 is installed evenly – do this by sighting along the formers from the aft end of the fuselage. Finish
by tacking F9 into position.
20. Lets close out this portion of the fuselage build by wicking thin CA glue along all surface to surface joints
doubling your glue joints at F1 and F2.
21. Build the Hatch. Assemble parts H1, H2, H3, H4, H5, and Center Spine. PLEASE NOTE the center spine has
been etched with an arrow that should face forward to part H2. Complete assembly should appear as illustrated
below. Square to work surface and glue.
22. Apply 1/16” fuselage sheeting as illustrated below. Begin each sheeted component by standing the sheeting up
90 degrees to the fuselage and against the formers (arrows etched on sheeting should be at top/center facing
forward), tack gluing into position, whetting with spray glass cleaner, then wrapping to the center. Check fit,
adjust as required, then wick thin CA between sheet and formers. Sheet the sections between F1/F2, F4/F5,
and the battery access hatch. Take your time and study the illustrations below prior to committing any part with
glue. Once complete sand the structure lightly to blend the hatch/sheet and fuselage/sheet surfaces together.
© 2004 Stevens AeroModel.