Inspect Battery -
Always use a freshly-charged battery.
Never begin a flight with a partially-charged
or damaged battery.
Clear Prop -
Stay clear of the prop arc, when applying power to the model.
Range Check Radio -
Follow the manufacturer’s instructions for performing a radio range check.
Check for Traffic -
Proceed to the flight line (with your mentor/instructor, if you are a novice pilot) and
look for other traffic. If the runway is clear, and no one is in the pattern to land, loudly announce your
intentions to take off. Remember, all aircraft on the ground must yield the runway to those landing.
Go Flying -
Point the model
the wind (if present) and steadily advance the throttle to full power.
Use rudder control to correct track while on the ground. Within several feet, the model should be
airborne. Fly the model to a comfortable “1 to 2 mistakes high altitude”, reduce throttle to stop the climb,
then, trim the model for straight-and-level flight at a comfortable cruise speed. The
Pietenpol Sky Scout
typically cruises at just over one-half throttle.
Setup for Landing -
Clearly announce your intentions to land. Make all landings
the wind, using
rudder and elevator controls. Crosswind landings should be avoided until you are comfortable with the
model’s flight performance.
Once you’ve completed your first flights, you will have noticed that the
Stevens AeroModel
Sky Scout UM
is a very stable model airplane. When built straight, and trimmed for level flight, it should
readily return to “wings level” from any attitude. When flying, we never miss an opportunity to allow an
onlooker to get a little “stick-time”.
If the first flight was a bit more exciting than you would have liked, or you are having problems with erratic
flight performance, please inspect your airframe and equipment for damage, improper installation, and/or
twists and warps. Check to make sure that the model is properly balanced. Moving the C.G.
slightly can also improve flight performance. The most common mistake modelers make, is to try to fly
with a warped or twisted wing. Please make certain that the wings are straight and true, before you fly
the model.
At Stevens AeroModel, we are committed to improving your building and flying experience. We are
constantly refining our processes, designs, and manuals to reflect customer feedback. You may
correspond with the Stevens AeroModel staff at:
email: [email protected]
Phone: 719-387-4187
Build Instructions
1928 Pietenpol Sky Scout UM
- Build Instructions © 2015 Stevens AeroModel, all rights reserved.
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