the XC780 will beep twice.
Step 11:
Enter the weight to be used for calibration on the numeric keypad
and press the PRINT key. The "StEP2 32" message will be displayed with the
value counting down. When the optimum step 2 value is reached(not necessarily
0), the display will exit scale 1 and proceed to the next scale if selected.
If the "StEP2 32" message get all the way to zero without finding the
optimum calibration point the "Adj GAIn" message will be displayed. This
message indicates that either the load cell platform has less than 1mV/V output
or there is a connection problem. Connecting the jumpers J1 and J4 on the
analog board will correct for a low output load cell. Connect the jumpers and
At least 25% of full scale capacity is required for accurate
Step 12:
Follow steps 3 through 8 for each scale you wish to calibrate.
Future re-calibrations should be done using Quick Calibration.
Step 13:
Press the RESET key to exit Calibration Setup.