when the displayed data is less than or equal to the value in setpoint 1. The
OVER output is actuated when the displayed data is greater than or equal to the
value in setpoint 2. The GO output is actuated when the displayed data is
greater than setpoint 1 and less than setpoint 2. An external comparator
display option is available.
CUtof selects normal setpoint cutoff operation. As soon as the entered
setpoint value is exceeded, the setpoint output is activated.
13. Setpoint Activation State - Selects whether the setpoint output is
normally off(relay open) in its inactive state or normally on(relay closed) in
its inactive state.
14. Setpoint
Type - Selects the type of weight data which controls the
setpoint and comparator outputs; quantity, net weight, or gross weight. The
XC780 assumes the entered setpoint data is of the selected type.
Setpoint Activation on Stable Weight - When setpoint stability is on, the
setpoints are only activated when the weight is stable.
16. ID Memory APW configuration - The ID-APW parameter selects what
information is stored when using the ID/Accumulation features. When ID-APW is
selected, the Average Piece Weight and accumulated Count quantity are stored
and recalled during ID/Accumulation operation. By enabling APW storage, once a
part has been sampled, and the APW of the part has been stored under an ID
number, the part can be counted by simply entering the ID number. Use APW
storage if the weight of the parts to be counted are very repeatable from lot
to lot. Use this mode to count the same part again and again, without sampling
each time. Do not use this mode if the Average Piece Weight of the part may
vary from lot to lot. When both ID-APW and ID-tare are not selected, only the
accumulated quantity is stored.
17. ID Memory Tare configuration - The ID-tare parameter selects what
information is stored when using the ID/Accumulation features. When ID-tare is
selected, the tare and accumulated Count quantity are stored and recalled
during ID/Accumulation operation. Use this mode if the containers used to
count the part will remain the same each time the part is counted(each ID part
has its own tare container). Disable the tare mode if the container used to
count the part will change each time the part is counted or if all parts are
counted in the same container(just enter the tare weight once). When both ID-
APW and ID-tare are not selected only the accumulated quantity is stored.
Data Output Mode - The output data parameter selects when the XC780 will
output data from the RS-232 printer port. NonE disables the output completely.
Prnt outputs data whenever the PRINT key is pressed. Auto automatically
outputs data continuously regardless of all other conditions. Stbl outputs
data only when the weight or count reading is stable. The format of the output
data is as defined by the "FMt " data output format parameter.
RS-232C Baud Rate - Baud rate is the speed at which RS-232 data is