comes on). Pressing the SHIFT key again exits the shift mode. Entering any
valid second function key also exits the shift mode.
The RESET key is used to exit the current mode and return to the
weight mode.
The CLEAR key is used to erase the current keyboard entry, without
resetting to the weight mode. Press the SHIFT key followed by the RESET|CLEAR
The decimal point key is used to enter a decimal point into
any numeric entry string.
The TIME key is used to enter the time/date mode if your XC780 is
equipped with the time/date option. Press the SHIFT key followed by the
[.]|TIME key. The display will show the current month. Press the PRINT key to
display date, year, hour, and minute. See the "Time/Date with Battery Memory
Backup" section of the XC780 Technical Manual for more details.
The numeric keys are used to enter data into the XC780. The
convention for data entry is to enter the data on the numeric keys, and then
press the appropriate function key.
The +ACCUM key adds the current quantity to the total stored
quantity. Press the SHIFT key followed by the [7]|+ACCUM key. The accumulated
value is stored by ID. See the "Accumulator Operation" section for details.
The -ACCUM key subtracts the current quantity from the total
stored quantity. Press the SHIFT key followed by the [8]|-ACCUM key. The
accumulated value is stored by ID. See the "Accumulator Operation" section for
The MEMORY key is used to retrieve the total accumulated
quantity value (for the current ID) from memory. Press the SHIFT key followed
by the [9]|MEMORY key.
The GROSS key switches the display from net weight to gross weight
if a tare weight is entered. Press the SHIFT key followed by the [6]|GROSS
key. Pressing the SHIFT|GROSS key while in the count mode will display the
gross weight until the key is released.
The NET key switches the display from gross weight to net
weight if a tare weight is entered. Press the SHIFT key followed by the
[7]|NET key. Pressing the SHIFT|NET key while in the count mode will
temporarily display the NET weight.
Reserved for future use.
The SP1 key is used to enter and view data for setpoint 1 and
the low cutoff for the comparator. To store a value, enter the setpoint/cutoff