this feature allows the operator to enter the sample
quantity from the numeric keypad. If disabled, fixed
sample, as set by the "SAMP" parameter, must be used
for parts counting. Select:
t - To enable variable sampling
F - To disable variable sampling
Fixed sample quantity
Selects the sample quantity to be used for fixed
sample (single key) counting. The value selected
will be used for the sample quantity when the count
key, alone, is pressed. Select:
10 - 10 samples are used when single key sampling
20 - 20 samples are used when single key sampling
50 - 50 samples are used when single key sampling
100- 100 samples are used when single key sampling
5 - 5 samples are used when single key sampling
Enhanc F
Sample Enhancement
Enables or disables the automatic sample enhancement
feature. If enabled, sample enhancement can be used
to significantly improve the accuracy of part counts
by re-calculating the average piece weight of the
sample quantity to the full internal resolution of
the XC780. The XC780 will recompute the APW as
pieces are added if: 1) Sample enhancement is
enabled. 2) The XC780 is in the count mode. 3)
The sample weight is less than 4% of full scale
capacity. 4) The scale is not in motion. 5) The
last addition to sample quantity does not exceed 3
times the previous sample quantity. Select:
F - To disable sample enhancement
t - To enable sample enhancement
The sample enhancement feature can be manually
activated at any time while counting by pushing the
11 ACC
Selects when accumulation of piece counts can occur.
MAnL - If manually accumulating using the +accum and
-accum keys. The scale must return to near
zero gross weight before next accumulation.
Auto - If automatically accumulating whenever the net
scale weight stabilizes at greater than 0.04%
capacity. The scale must return to near zero
gross weight before the next accumulation.