In case you wonder about the knobs labeled 'Ctr 2' and 'Pressure' ... Midicontroller
Number 2 is the default Midicontroller for 'Lever 3' and is therefore - together with
pressure - heavily used in the modulation matrix of the Matrix 1000's presets. So just
try it with the presets an see what they will do. And, Midi Control change and pressure
messages can be used without the SysEx Jittering.
LFO2 Amplitude was intentionally left out, there is not many use of it in the presets.
Holding the upper and the lower button sends a special initialized patch into the
Matrix-1000's edit buffer.
This function is only available when the 1006r edition is in
Matrix-1000 mode. In Matrix6 mode the 'send init patch'-function is disabled. There
will nothing be overwritten in your synth, all saving of your work is up to you. The
patch is designed to work best with the SSC's parameter offering and some common
Midi Controller numbers making use of the modulation matrix. That means, after
sending the init patch to the Matrix, you can alter cutoff and resonance by ordinary
Midicontrollers 1 and 2 without the enoying jittering.
The most relevant settings of this patch:
All fixed modulations set to 0
DCO1 Pulse 50%
DCO2 Pulse 50%
Balance 100% DCO1
Velocity on VCA2 Envelope
Cutoff 50%
40% Env1 amount on VCF
Matrix modulation slot 1:Ctr1 (Modwheel) -> Cutoff
Matrix modulation slot 2:Ctr 2 (Breath) -> Resonance
Matrix modulation slot 3: Pressure -> DCO1 tune (use with sync!)
Matrix modulation slot 4: Pedal (Ctr4) -> DCO1 PW
Characteristics of the Matrix-6 mode:
The Matrix-6 mode was developed with a
Matrix 6 running Firmware V 2.13.
For reacting to parameter changes over Midi the Matrix-6 must be in "Quick Edit"-
Mode (Patch Edit / Quick). To make things easier, the Synth Controller causes the
Matrix-6 to jump into that mode automatically when you press any of it's 3 buttons. So
remember: after switching on the Controllers and the Matrix-6, you have to press
either one of the 3 Synth Controller buttons or manually enable the Matrix-6's Quick
Edit mode before the Matrix will react to any knob fiddling.
Operation Manual 'Stereoping Synth Controller'
V1.2 - 12.2014
© Stereoping Germany, Hattingen 2014