Button Combinations and special modes
According to the edition you purchased, the one or other mode mentioned here might
not be available. Nothing cryptic, if your SSC adaption offers a special mode, it will be
printed on it's frontpanel in the button area.
All Notes off
It should not happen and during development we did not experiance problems here.
But for several reasons it
happen during operation a ringing note will not stop
anymore. This is caused by a missing Midimessage called 'Note Off' which was lost for
some reason. It is not necessary to power your synth off and on again. Powering off
and on the SSC would be even more useless. For these occasion the SSC offers help:
to send an 'All Notes Off' event to your synth, shortly press the button
combination printed on the frontpanel
. In most editions, the combination consists
of the upper 2 buttons. Hopefully all your synths voices should be quiet then.
Midi Channel Learn Mode
The SSC has (in most editions) a Midi Channel Learn Mode. Once engaged, the SSC
waits for an incoming Midi note on it's Midi In jack. The wiring should look like this:
As a note comes in, it stores the note's Midichannel permanently in it's memory. The
learnt channel will be restored on the next powerup.
To enter the Midi Channel
Learn Mode, hold the button combination printed on the frontpanel for about 2
Exception: the Microwave-Edition wants you to press all 3 Buttons for 2 seconds.
This buttoncombination is not printed on the faceplate.
Operation Manual 'Stereoping Synth Controller'
V1.2 - 12.2014
© Stereoping Germany, Hattingen 2014