From this mode, if you do not press down
any button during more than 1 minute, the ther-
mostat exits the adjustment function and saves the
choice in progress. Then, the icons cease to blink
and the selected value remains displayed.
View of the preprogramming
The view of the selected preprogramming is made
in a way similar to the Auto mode programming.
However, it is impossible to modify the prepro-
You must proceed as follows:
1. Press down the day of the week button that you
want to view (buttons Mon to Sun). When the se-
lected day of the week is displayed, the icon
blinks and the period number 1 blinks too;
2. Choose the period number (1 to 2) to view using
the + or - button. For each period, the hour and
the set point are displayed. You can also press
down the Mode button to increase the period
number. If you press down the Mode button
when period 2 is displayed, you exit the View
At any time, you can exit the View mode using
one of these 3 methods.
1- Press down the button of the day that you are
2- Press down another day to view it.
3- Press down the Sortie/Exit button.
If you do not press down any button during 1 min-
ute, the thermostat exits the View mode. At any
time, it is possible to change the day to be viewed
by pressing down the desired day button.
Fan mode
When the thermostat is used to control a heating
system equipped with a fan, the Fan mode MUST
be activated. This mode prevents the system to
continuously start and stop, which could cause fan
failure. The Fan mode is by default deactivated at
the factory. The status of this mode is indicated on
the display by the Fan icon.
You can activate the Fan mode in a similar way to
the adjustment of the degrees Celsius/Fahrenheit.
Adjustment procedure for the Fan mode
1. Simultaneously press down the + and - buttons
for more than 3 seconds, until the icon starts
to blink;
2. Press down the - button to activate or deactivate
the Fan mode. The Fan icon will be displayed or
not, as applicable;
3. When the adjustment is completed, press down
the Sortie/Exit button, hold down the Mode but-
ton or do not press down any button during 1
minute to exit the adjustment function.
This adjustment can be done from any of the
three principal modes. From the adjustment mode,
the figures displayed at the top of the screen are
only useful for the manufacturer. It is not the ambi-
ent temperature.
Frost-free warning
The Snowflake icon is displayed when the tem-
perature set point is between 3°C (37°F) and 5°C
(41°F). A minimum temperature will be maintained
to ensure frost control.