it. To quickly scroll through the set point values,
press and hold down the button. The set points
can range between 3 and 30°C and can only be
adjusted by increments of 0.5°C (from 37 to 86°F;
by increments of 1°F from the Fahrenheit mode).
The thermostat will turn off if the set point is low-
ered below 3°C, and the set point value displayed
will be --.-. The standard factory set point adjust-
ment is 21°C. From this mode, the screen displays
the temperature, the set point, the heating power
used, the hour and the day of the week.
This mode is initially activated when the power is
turned on for the first time. You must adjust the
hour (as describe in the section “Adjustment of the
hour and the day of the week”) before switching to
other modes by pressing down the Mode or Pre
Prog button.
Automatic mode (Auto)
To switch from the Manual mode to the Automatic
mode, and conversely, press down the Mode but-
ton. The Man or Auto icon will be displayed at the
bottom of the screen as applicable.
From the Automatic mode, the thermostat adjusts
the set points according to the programmed peri-
ods. If no data was entered, the thermostat acts
the same way as from the Manual mode and the
standard factory set point adjustment is 21°C. It
is always possible to manually adjust the set point
using the + or - button. The selected set point
will be effective until one period is programmed,
which represents an hour and a day of the week.
Note that if the set point is lowered to off (--.-), the
programming will not be effective. It is possible to
program 4 periods a day, which means that the set
point can change automatically up to 4 times a
day. The period order is not important.
From this mode, the screen displays the tempera-
ture, the set point, the heating power used, the
hour, the day of the week and the current pro-
grammed period number (1 to 4; displayed on the
right-hand side of the hour).
Programming procedure of the Automatic mode
1. To access the Programming mode, press down
the day of the week button that you want to pro-
gram (Mon to Sun). Once you release the button,
the selected day of the week is displayed, the
icon blinks and the period number 1 blinks too;
2. Select the period number (1 to 4) that you want
to program using the + or - button. For each pe-
riod, the hour and the set point are displayed.
The hour displays --:-- and the set point displays
-- if there is no programming for the period. You
must confirm the period by pressing down the
Mode button;
3. The two figures representing the hour blink to
indicate that you can adjust them (from 00 to 23)
using the + or – button. You must confirm the
adjustment by pressing down the Mode button;
4. After confirmation, the figures representing the
minutes (the last 2 figures) blink and you can ad-
just and confirm them in the same manner as de-
scribed above (point 3). It should be noted that
the minutes can only be adjust by increments of
15 minutes;
5. The period set point blinks and you can adjust it
using the + or - button;
After set point confirmation, the programming
is completed. The period number increased by
1 and blinks. For example, if the previously pro-
grammed period was 1, period 2 blinks. It is then
possible to continue the programming of this pe-
riod by pressing down the Mode button. You can
also select another period using the + or – button;
7. At the end of the period 4 programming, you au-
tomatically exit the Programming mode.