4.2. Record option
4.2.1. Click History button - enter the History menu
This section is used to display recorded historical data in
a spread sheet. If you want to see all historical data in a
desired time period, choose the time duration and press
Search to reload the historical data. With the Export button,
you can export the selected historical data into an Excel
format file for other application purposes.
The software version 6.2 uses .dat file format, the software
version above 6.2 uses .mdb format. Press the Import
button to import data from the old version into the new
version to migrate data from two different databases.
When the memory on the base station is full, press the
“Clear Memory” button to refresh the memory space on the
base station (remember to upload all data before pressing
this button).
If you want to start a new weather history record, press
the “Clear Data” button to clear the database; all history
weather data will be deleted (if you want to keep a backup
history file before deleting all weather data, you can make
a copy of the “EasyWeather.mdb” file into another folder or
just rename the “EasyWeather.mdb” file, such as “Jan-07.
dat”, for future reference.)
4.2.2. Click Graph button - enter the Graph menu
In this section, you can see the historical data shown in
graph format for easier observation. If you want to see
more details, just use your mouse to select the area you
want and the display will be automatically updated in more
detailed scale:
With the “Export as image” button, you can export the
selected graph into a .jpeg format file. You can change the
Y axis by scrolling the mouse up and down roller.
What to do if graph function is not working
It may happen that the graph function is not working
properly. To make the graph function work properly, please
perform the following steps:
Find the folder where the “EasyWeather.exe” file is
Create a file name “reg_graph.bat” file with the
WordPad or Notepad editor program.
Type “regsvr32 easyweather.ocx” and save the reg_
graph.bat file.
Double click “reg_graph.bat” file and it should
register the graphic driver again. If successful, then
the following window will be displayed:
4.3. Upload option
Note: This feature is only available in EasyWeather Version
8.3 or greater.
To upload weather data to the internet from EasyWeather,
select Upload from the menu bar.
4.3.1. Upload to WeatherUnderground.com
Select Upload | WeatherUnderground from the menu bar.
The user can upload data to the website. www.
wundergound.com or their own website. If the user chooses
www.wundergound.com, he or she doesn’t need to set the
server, server type and port. If the user chooses custom, he
or she needs to set the server, server type and port.
To upload data to Wunderground.com, you must first
register on the Wunderground.com website. Registration
is free.
Visit http://www.wunderground.com/ and select Join if
you do not have an account.
2. Once registered with Wunderground.com you will
need to sign up your station. To get started visit: http://
Enter your Station ID and password into the ID and
Password fields provided in the EasyWeather software,
and select the Auto Upload checkbox.
Please Note: Make sure you enter the ID in all capitals,
and the password exactly as you chose it, both fields
are case sensitive.
4.3.3. Upload your weather data to
WeatherObservationWebsite (WOW)
Select Upload | WeatherObservationWebsite from the
menu bar.
4.3.2. Upload to WeatherCloud
To upload data to wow.metoffice.gov.uk, you must first
register on the wow.metoffice.gov.uk website. Registration
is free.
Once you are logged in you will need to create a new
WOW site. “Sites” are the means by which WOW organizes
weather data you contribute. Basically, WOW builds a
personal web site for your weather station. To allow data
uploading, you will need two items associated with the web
Site ID: This is an arbitrary number that is used to
distinguish your site from another. This number appears
(in brackets) next to or underneath the name of your site
on the site information page, for example: 6a571450-df53-
Authentication Key: This is a 6-digit number that is used
to ensure data is coming from you and not another user.
Begin setting up a new site by clicking “Enter a Site”:
You will be presented with a form where you give your
station’s location and some other settings related to how
you wish the site to operate. After you complete the setup,
you should see: