steamOvap technologies inc.
(hereina er referred to as
), warrant for a period of
3 years a er installa on, that steamOvap manufactured and assembled products are free
from defects in material and workmanship; provided that a start-up report with no default has
been done and signed by the authorized
local representa ve. Otherwise the
warranty period is reduced to 18 months.
ACA atomizing nozzle carries a life me warranty. Life me warranty does not cover atomizing
flow capacity accuracy. Furthermore life me warranty will be voided in case water quality
(max TDS contained in water) is not conforming to the specifica on indicated in this IOM.
obliga ons and liabili es under this warranty are limited to furnishing
replacement parts to the customer, F.O.B.
factory, providing the defec ve
part(s) is returned freight prepaid by the customer. Parts used for repairs are warranted for
the balance of the term of the warranty on the original product or 90 days, whichever is
No liability whatsoever shall be a ached to
un l said products have been paid for
in full and then said liability shall be limited to the original purchase price for the product. Any
further warranty must be in wri ng, signed by an officer of
makes no warranty and assumes no liability unless the equipment is installed in
strict accordance with installa on manual in effect at the date of purchase and by qualified
and trained personnel and in accordance to local codes and regula ons.
makes no warranty and assumes no liability whatsoever for consequen al
damage or damage resul ng directly from misapplica on, incorrect sizing or lack of proper
maintenance of the equipment.
retains the right to change the design, specifica on and performance criteria of its
products without no ce or obliga on.
In case of li ga on or dispute arising, all par es agree that the exclusive venue for any
li ga on shall be vested with a court of competent jurisdic on located in the Judicial District
of Montreal, Quebec, Canada.