Page 44
Call Rate <Dly>
1=Daily Call
Aft Pwr Fail <E>
1=Enable 2=Dis
Enter Hours <12>
Enter Mins < 5>
AM or PM <AM>
1=AM 2=PM
2.) Call Rate: To set the number of times per year the Master Time Programmer
automatically calls NIST-ACTS, press the
key (Call Rate) from the WWV
Defaults Menu. The display now prompts the operator to press
for daily,
for monthly, or
for yearly. If the call rate is daily, the call to NIST-ACTS is
placed once a day. If the call rate is monthly, the call is placed on the first day
of every month. If the call rate is yearly, the call is placed on the first day of each
year. Pressing the
, or
key will change the data in the brackets <>. After
the call rate is selected, press the
3.) After Power Failure: The After Power Failure Feature of 1467 UTC Option
provides the Master Time Programmer with an additional way to stay
accurate. During AC power failures, the Master Time Programmer will
maintain its time keeping from its internal crystal oscillator. Over a significant
period of time, this oscillator may not keep the Master Time Programmer
accurate enough for certain critical applications. To counteract this effect, the
After Power Failure Feature is provided. When enabled, if 2 hours of AC
power failures to the Master Time Programmer accumulate between
scheduled automatic calls, the Master Time Programmer will call NIST-ACTS
for a calibration against UTC.
To enable or disable this feature, press the
key (Aftr Pwr Fail) from the
WWV Defaults Menu. The display now prompts the operator to press
enable or
to disable this feature. Pressing the
key will change
the data in the brackets <>. After enable or disable is chosen, press the
4.) Call Time: To set the time that the Master Time Programmer calls
NIST-ACTS for a calibration against UTC, press the
key (Call Time) from
the WWV Defaults Menu. The display now prompts the operator through the
following screens:
Use the
keys to enter the call time hour. If the clock is set for
24 hour format, be sure to enter the PM hour correctly. Entering the
hours will display the new data on the second line of the display. After
the hour is entered, press the
Use the
keys to enter the call time minute. Entering the
minute will display the new data on the second line of the display.
After the minute is entered, press the
Use the
key to enter AM or PM. Pressing the
will change the information in the brackets < > and return the display
to the WWV Defaults Menu. NOTE: This display is only available
if the clock is set for 12 hour operation.