GPIB / Handler Interface
Option 01 provides both an IEEE-488 interface and a Handler interface.
IEEE-488 Interface:
All instrument functions can be controlled or read
over the interface.
Handler/Sorter Interface:
DB25 male connector provides output lines
to indicate binning information and
instrument status and an input trigger line.
Output lines include 8 Pass Bins, QDR Fail
Bin, General Fail Bin, Busy, and Bin Data
Available. Output lines are Open Collector
and are rated to 40 volts. The trigger input is
negative edge triggered TTL and is
protected to +/- 15 Volts.
SR726 Kelvin Clips
Provides connection to devices that are not easily accommodated in the
fixture. Polarity is indicated for biased measurements. Connects to
SR715/720 fixture.
SR727 SMD Tweezers
Provides connection to Surface Mount Device parts. Polarity is indicated for
biased measurements. Connects to SR715/720 fixture.
SR728 BNC Fixture Adapter Provides a means to connect a remote fixture or other device to the
SR715/720. Connects to SR715/720 fixture and has four 1 meter BNC
cables. Polarity is indicated for biased measurements.