exit (0);
ibwrt (lcr, "
RST", 4L);
reset LCR meter
ibwrt (lcr, "MMOD1;PMOD3;FREQ0", 17L); /
set triggered mode, measure C+D, Freq = 100 Hz
ibwrt (lcr, "outf1", 5L);
concise ASCII output format
ibwrt (lcr, "BIAS1", 5L);
turn internal bias on - it may be necessary to wait for
the capacitor to charge up here when measuring large
ibwrt (lcr, "STRT;
WAI;XALL?", 15L);
take a measurement, wait until finished, and get back
the data.
printf ("Capacitance (uf) Dissipation\n");
ibrd (lcr, string, 80L);
get return string from LCR.
string[ibcnt] = 0;
terminate received string.
sscanf (string, "%lf,%lf,%d", &cmeas, &dissp, &bin); /
get C and Dissipation
( bin value not used)
printf ("%7.5e
%7.5e\n", cmeas
1.e6, dissp); /
and print out results
ibwrt (lcr, "BIAS0", 5L);
turn off bias