Binning data can be entered manually using the [Bin#], [Nominal] and [Limit] keys, or over the RS232 or
optional GPIB interface. A bin is defined by a bin number, with a nominal value and upper and lower limits (in
percent). If a nominal value is not entered for a bin, it will take the nominal value of the next lower bin. Bin 0 is
the exception. If bin 0 doesn't have a nominal value and limits, all parts will fail. Parts that fall into more than
one bin are assigned to the lower numbered bin. Thus, the tightest tolerances should be assigned to the
lowest bin number. Any parts that fall into gaps between bins are assigned to the general failure bin (bin 9). If
only one limit of a pair is entered, the limits will be assumed to be a symmetric pair (+/- x %, where 'x' is the
entered limit value). Unused bins should be closed (assigned 0% limits). After bin clear or [Recall] [0], all bins
are closed. Parts that fall into both the general fail bin (bin 9) and the QDR fail bin (bin 8) are assigned to the
QDR fail bin. The QDR limits are maximums or minimums depending on which parameter is being measured.
If a Q value is negative, (for resistors) the absolute value should be entered, and the meter performs a
comparison between the absolute value of the QDR reading and the QDR limit. There are no limits for the
QDR bin, only a nominal value. To disable the QDR comparison, set the nominal value to its extreme value.
Parameter being measured
QDR Limit
Extreme Value (disabled)
Q maximum
Q minimum
D maximum
C+R series
R maximum
C+R parallel
R minimum
To enter binning information the unit can not be in the AUTO parameter mode.
Make certain that the unit is set to the correct parameter (R+Q, L+Q, C+D or
C+R). Press the [Bin#] key which will bring up the bin entry display and put the
unit in the entry mode. If any previous binning information needs to be cleared,
press the [Bin#] key until the 'bin cLEAr' message appears. Press the [ENTER]
key to clear all bin data and display 'cLEAr donE'. To enter new bin data or to edit
old bin data (if it wasn't previously cleared), press the [Bin#] key until the unit
displays 'bin x'. Enter the desired bin number ([0] thru [8] then [ENTER]). The bin
number will appear on the right display. This is the bin for which subsequent
nominal and limit values will be entered.
To enter the nominal value, press the [Nominal] key. The display will show the
present nominal value, or '-----' if the bin was previously closed in the left display.
The 'NOM' LED below the display will be on. If a nominal value is needed for this
bin, enter the desired nominal value with the numeric keys and the unit entry
keys. The new nominal value, including units will be displayed. Note that a
nominal value doesn't have to be entered for each bin. If a bin doesn't have a
nominal value it will use the one from the bin below it.
To enter the limits, press the [Limit] key. The display will show the present upper
limit value, or '---' if no limit existed previously. The +LIM LED below the display
will be on. Enter the limit value in percent using the numeric keys and the
[ENTER] key. If it is necessary to enter a non-symmetrical limit pair, press the
[Limit] key a second time to display the present lower limit value. The -LIM LED
will turn on. Enter the lower limit in the same fashion as the upper one. For
symmetric limits, enter only the upper value; the lower limit will be the negative of
the upper limit. If no limits are entered for a bin, that bin will remain closed, even if
it has a nominal value.