FAIL BINS (8 & 9)
To set the QDR limit value, select bin 8 (using the [Bin#] [8] [ENTER] keys) and
press the [Nominal] key. This will display the present QDR limit, or '-----', in the
right display and turn on the NOM LED. Input the value with the numeric keys and
press the [ENTER] key. Resistors for the C+R mode are entered in
allowable range of resistance values is only 0 to 99999
, so no k
or M
key is
needed). There are no limits for the QDR bin. Bin 9, the general failure bin,
cannot be set. Parts that do not fall into any other bin are assigned to this bin.
To enable or disable binning, press the [Bin#] key until the 'Sort oFF' or 'Sort on'
message appears. Pressing the [ENTER] key from this display toggles binning
(sorting) on and off. When binning is enabled, the BINNING LED is on, the BINS
display is active, and the handler interface (if installed) is active. The handler
interface is active whenever binning is enabled, whether or not the BINS display
is on. See that section for more information on the Handler interface.
Before entering binning information, it is usually better to write down the desired binning setup since it is a
fairly complicated procedure. See the binning worksheet on the next page. Also, be sure to save setups that
are used often. Certain setups can be edited, for example, one percent resistors using the same nominal
value. A different value of resistor could be sorted by simply changing the nominal value, if the only nominal
value entered was for bin 0. For this reason, it is often better to enter sequential binning data with a single
nominal value and different percentage limits, instead of with different nominal values (overlapping limits are
always entered in that fashion, so it isn't an issue for them). It is advisable to check the nominal values and
limits before making measurements, to be certain that they haven't been modified. The binning setup can be
viewed in the same manner as it was entered; just don't press the [ENTER] key unless a value needs to be
Enter the nominal value and limits for bin 0. Enter the QDR fail value for bin 8.
Make sure no other bins are open (set their limits to zero). Parts that pass fall into
bin 0; all other parts fall into bin 8 or bin 9.
Enter the nominal value and limits for bin 0. For subsequent bins, enter only the
limits, making sure the tighter tolerance parts use the lowest bins. If the limits are
symmetrical, only enter the upper limit. Enter the QDR limit for bin 8. Make sure
all other bins are closed. Parts that pass fall into one of the pass bins. Parts that
fail the QDR test fall in bin 8 and parts that fall into no other bin fall into bin 9.
For sequential bins with a single nominal value, follow the same procedure as for
nested bins mentioned above. For sequential bins with multiple nominal values,
enter the nominal value and limits for each open bin. If the limits are symmetrical,
only enter the upper limit. Enter the QDR fail value for bin 8. Make sure that
unused bins are closed (limits set to zero) and there are no unwanted gaps
between bins. Parts that pass fall into one of the pass bins. Parts that fail the
QDR test fall in bin 8 and parts that fall into no other bin fall into bin 9.