SRNE Solar Co., Ltd.
4-5F,13A Wutong Island, Neihuan Road, Xixiang, Shenzhen,China
T: +86 0755-26458295
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File version: V1.0
NO. Parameter name
Battery boost
charge voltage
Boost charge voltage setting; the
setting range is 24V~29.2V, with step
of 0.2V; it is valid for user-defined
battery and lithium battery.
Battery boost
charge time
Boost charge maximum time setting,
which means the maximum charging
time to reach the set voltage of
parameter [09] during constant-
voltage charging. The setting range is
5min~900min, with a step of 5
minutes. It is valid for user-defined
battery and lithium battery.
Battery floating
charge voltage
Floating charge voltage, setting
range: 24V~29.2V, step: 0.2V, valid
when battery type is user-defined.
Battery over
discharge voltage
(delay off)
Over-discharge voltage; when the
battery voltage is lower than this
judgment point, delay the time set by
parameter [13] and turn off inverter
output. Setting range is 20V~24V,
with a step of 0.2V. It is valid for user-
defined battery and lithium battery.
Battery over
discharge delay
Over-discharge delay time; when the
battery voltage is lower than the
parameter [12], the inverter output will
be turned off after the time set by this
parameter is delayed. The setting
range is 5S~55S, with a step of 5S. It
is valid for user-defined battery and
lithium battery.
Battery under
voltage alarm
Battery undervoltage alarm point;
when the battery voltage is lower than
the point, an undervoltage alarm is
given, and the output is not turned off;
the setting range is 20V~26V, with a