Full System Bleed
2 0 0 H o u r S e r v i c e
F u l l S y s t e m B l e e d
Depress the remote syringe plunger while pulling the seatpost syringe
plunger out.
Then depress the seatpost syringe plunger while pulling the remote
syringe plunger out.
Repeat these steps several times until bubbles are no longer pulled
from the Reverb remote lever and seatpost into each syringe.
Remove the syringe from the seatpost bleed port.
Use a T10 TORX
wrench to reinstall the bleed screw and tighten to
1.1-2.2 N•m (10-20 in-lb).
400 Hour Service
Install a new bleed screw and bleed screw o-ring.
Use isopropyl alcohol and a rag to clean any fluid from the seatpost
and hydraulic hose.
Do not allow Reverb hydraulic fluid to come into contact with brake
levers and calipers, brake pads, disc brake rotors, or braking surfaces.
1.1-2.2 N•m (10-20 in-lb)