Top Cap and Seal Head Bushing Replacement
2 0 0 H o u r S e r v i c e
T o p C a p a n d S e a l H e a d B u s h i n g R e p l a c e m e n t
The following steps are to be completed during the 200 hour service interval and include replacing parts included in the
Reverb™ Stealth B1 Service
Kit - 200 hours
. These steps do not require complete disassembly of the upper post assembly and are not included in the 400 hour service.
To continue with the
400 Hour Service
proceed to
Inner Shaft
Remove the foam ring from the inner shaft assembly and discard the
foam ring.
Remove the bottom out o-ring from the inner shaft assembly and
discard the bottom out o-ring.
Use your fingers to spread and remove the seal head bushing and
discard the seal head bushing.
The seal head bushing may have sharp edges. Do not scratch the inner
shaft with the bushing. Scratches will cause leaks.
Remove the seal head o-ring. Use your fingers to pinch the o-ring and
lift it from the o-ring groove. Then use a pick to remove it. Discard the