Hydraulic Hose Disconnect
5 0 / 2 0 0 / 4 0 0 H o u r S e r v i c e
H y d r a u l i c H o s e D i s c o n n e c t
Reverb™ Stealth is available with one of two hydraulic hose assembly types: 1) Hose barb, and 2) Connectamajig™. For Connectamajig hose
assemblies, either the Connectamajig coupler can be removed from the seatpost, or the Connectamajig hose coupler can be removed from the
Connectamajig coupler.
The hydraulic hose must be disconnected from the seatpost for all service procedures. Follow the procedure below for the hose type on your
Reverb Stealth.
The hose does not need to be disconnected from the remote lever for seatpost service.
Do not allow Reverb hydraulic fluid to come into contact with any brake components. Contaminated brake components can compromise brake
performance, may cause brake failure, and can lead to serious injury and/or death.
Disconnect the hydraulic hose from the seatpost. Use a rag to wipe
away any hydraulic fluid.
Hose Barb
: Use a 10 mm and a 7 mm open end wrench to unthread
and remove the hose barb and hose assembly from the poppet cover.
Connectamajig Hose Coupler (option 1):
Use a 9 mm and a 6 mm
open end wrench to unthread and remove the hose coupler from
the Connectamajig coupler. Service can be performed with the
Connectamajig coupler installed.
Connectamajig Coupler (option 2):
Use a 10 mm and an 8 mm open
end wrench to unthread and remove the Connectamajig coupler from
the poppet valve cover.
10 mm
7 mm
Hose Barb
9 mm
6 mm
Connectamajig Hose Coupler
10 mm
8 mm
Connectamajig Coupler