Misuse and abuse of the trampoline and enclosure is dangerous and can cause serious injuries.
Focus your eyes on the edge of the trampoline. This will help control your bounce.
Avoid bouncing for too long. Do not bounce when tired.
Stop your bounce by flexing your knees as your feet come in contact with the trampoline bed.
Learn this skill before you attempt any others.
Climb on and off the trampoline, do not jump. It is a dangerous practice to jump from the
trampoline to the floor or ground when dismounting, or onto the trampoline when mounting.
Always use two hands on the frame getting on and off the trampoline. Never use springs or
suspension elements as “hand grips”.
Learn fundamental bounces and body positions thoroughly before trying more advanced skills.
A variety of trampoline activities can be carried out by performing the basic fundamentals in
various series and combinations, or performing one fundamental after the other, with or
without bounces between them.
Avoid bouncing too high. Stay low until you can control your bounce and repeatedly land in
the centre of the trampoline.
Do not use the trampoline as a springboard to other objects. Use the trampoline only for
trampoline style bouncing.
Keep objects away that could interfere with the person jumping.
For further information or additional instructional materials, contact your nearest trampoline
It is advisable not to bounce immediately after a meal.
Do not attempt knee drops as these can cause injury if you attempt this skill without some
experience or personal instruction.
Your clothing should allow plenty of body freedom, but no flapping shirts or skirts to distract
your concentration.
No buckles or jewellery should be worn, as these could damage the trampoline mat and cause
injury to you.
Do not wear shoes while bouncing on the trampoline.
Always bounce at the centre of the mat Bouncing near the edge of the mat can lead to injury
and can also stretch the springs. The frame pad is not designed nor intended to support the
weight of the trampoline user. Do not step or jump directly onto the frame pad.
Avoid bouncing too high. Stay low until you can control your bounce and land consistently in
the middle of the bed.
To regain control and stop your jump, bend your knees quickly when you land.
Allow each jumper a brief turn on the trampoline. Extended bouncing exposes an over tired
user to an increased risk of injury. Longer turns tend to lessen the interest of others waiting to
Do not use the trampoline when under the influence of alcohol or drugs.