Johnny G by Spirit
This section will provide very basic information regarding the structure of an indoor cycling workout.
IMPORTANT: User should be aware of the features, functions and proper operation of the bike before
using the bike for the first time. If unsure how to properly use the bikes RPM capabilities and resistance
system adjustments, seek help from a qualified indoor cycling instructor or take a class at your local
indoor cycling facility as they will teach you how to ride properly and safely.
Be sure the seat, handlebar and pedal straps are adjusted for your body size and comfort before
beginning your workout. Consult your physician before beginning this or any other exercise routine.
Discontinue any exercise that causes you discomfort and consult a medical expert.
Once you are in position and sitting on the bike with your hands in a comfortable position on the
handlebar, slowly begin pedaling. A gradual warm-up prepares the muscles and cardiovascular system
for a more intense workout and helps prevent potential injuries from occurring. Your warm-up should be
sufficient once your breathing rate begins to increase and you begin to perspire lightly. The warm-up
period should last about five minutes.
A brisk and rhythmic workout will train the muscles and cardiovascular system to perform at a higher
efficiency. The key is to exercise aerobically; typically, at 60% – 80% of your maximum heart rate.