Incline: The treadmill elevation is a quick and sustained
progression up to the maximum value (default or user input)
for 90% of the workout duration.
(Speed/Incline profile graphs are similar to the Interval Program)
Resistance: This program takes you through high levels of cardio & strength intensity followed by recovery periods of low
intensity. This program utilizes and develops your “Fast Twitch” muscle fibers which are used when performing tasks that are
intense and short in duration. These deplete your oxygen level and spike your heart rate, followed by periods of recovery
and heart rate drop to replenish oxygen. Your cardiovascular system gets programmed to use oxygen more efficiently.
Incline: This program will spike similar to the speed profile, but in different segments (columns); this means that all of your
lower extremity muscles will be equally challenged throughout this program. The incline alternates between 25 & 65 % of
maximum elevation.
Heart Rate Programs
The old motto, “no pain, no gain”, is a myth that has been overpowered by the benefits of exercising
comfortably. A great deal of this success has been promoted by the use of heart rate monitors. With
the proper use of a heart rate monitor, many people find that their usual choice of exercise intensity
was either too high or too low and exercise is much more enjoyable by maintaining their heart rate in
the desired benefit range.
To determine the benefit range in which you wish to train, you must first determine your Maximum
Heart Rate. This can be accomplished by using the following formula: 220 minus your age. This will give
you the Maximum Heart Rate (MHR)for someone of your age. To determine the effective heart rate
range for specific goals you simply calculate a percentage of your MHR. Your Heart rate training zone is