© 2014 Spicetone OÜ www.spicetone.com Võistluse 9, Tallinn 10132, Estonia, European Union
LEVEL is basic output level (volume) pot for hexaphonic drive channels.
MONO pot determines how much monophonic signal is mixed in. NB! If you are using a normal
monophonic guitar without hex pickups then this is your volume/level knob. Meaning you have
to turn it up with normal pickups, otherwise you hear no sound.
DRY controls how much dry, unaffected clean signal, both mono and hex, is mixed in. Very useful
for adding transparency and attack.
SPREAD pots (7…10) in the middle do the SPREAD thing that is explained further on. SPREAD
only has effect on hexaphonic signal.
DRIVE SPREAD lets you add more or less drive on higher or lower strings.
TONE SPREAD mean shifting Tone Circuit toward high or low strings. For example for fuller tap
harmonics you can cut highs on higher strings but keep all the available higher harmonics on
low strings.
LEVEL SPREAD is volume control for higher to lower strings. Actually you can make mid strings
louder or quieter, too. Read on to find out, how.
DRY SPREAD let you control how much dry (clean) signal is added to overdriven high or low
string signal.
To put in a more formal way:
Player Mode Pot1
Player Mode Pot2
Player Mode Pot3
Player Mode Pot4
Player Mode Pot5
Player Mode Pot6
Player Mode Pot7
Player Mode Pot8
Player Mode Pot9
Player Mode Pot10
6.2 M
1. S
MENU 1 (POT01 blinking) sets the main sound options that affect the fully analogue signal path.
These are the most important sound sculpting settings. You can also bypass/mute and adjust
FILTER if it’s switched on.
The Clock Positions 1…6 apply for strings (Menu 1 to Menu 6) and Clock Position 12 applies to
monophonic channel. This means you can apply or not apply the effect per string / per channel.
In Menu 1 you can also mute strings that can be useful full bass guitar or for soloing.
In Menu 1 in strings settings, Clean (
LED) means that particular string is passed through
without applying any effects in the menu. For example you can use lower strings without
overdrive. Occasionally you might also want to completely mute some strings (