Operating Manual
1300-87076-1A Rev. 1
3.5 Adjusting the Pathlength Selector
The pathlength of the Spex NanoSNAP is not automatically selected but selected manually. The metal light
path selector shown down below in Table 5 is the manual pathlength selector of the Spex NanoSNAP. The
measurement range of 0.5 mm pathlength is 0.04 to 30 Abs, and the range of 0.05 mm is 20 to 400 Abs.
Before starting to examine your samples, check if the light pathlength selector is in the right position. When
the pathlength selector is in the horizontal position to the detection arm (Figure 7), it represents the 0.5 mm
pathlength. In the vertical position (Figure 8), it represents the 0.05 mm pathlength. Hold the handle of the light
path selector to adjust between 0.5 mm and 0.05 mm pathlength.
Table 5. Manual pathlength selector guide.
Pathlength Selector
Measuring Range
Figure 7
0.5 mm pathlength
From 0.04 to 30 Abs
Figure 8
0.05 mm pathlength
From 20 to 400 Abs
3.6 Basic Operation
3.6.1 Protocol Screen Features
In the protocol application, there are different tab pages (Table 6) and function icons (Table 7).
Table 6. Information tab page.
Tab Page
Data/Sample Data
The page for the detailed sample information and setting
The page only exists in protocols which need to establish a standard curve for
measurement; it only presents standard data
The page of total samples report
The page for graph result
Customized Setting
The page only exists in More Assays applications. User can modify protocol
customized settings at this page.