Micro800™ 4 Ch Universal Analog Input Module
Publication 0100189-04 Rev. C
The following sample program, written in structured text, demonstrates
how to configure the module in CCW.
u800Slot := 1;
(* Slot number for module. *)
ConfigArray[1] := 0;
(* Ch0 Config LSB *)
ConfigArray[2] := 0;
(* Ch0 Config MSB *)
ConfigArray[3] := 0;
(* Ch1 Config LSB *)
ConfigArray[4] := 0;
(* Ch1 Config MSB *)
ConfigArray[5] := 0;
(* Ch2 Config LSB *)
ConfigArray[6] := 0;
(* Ch2 Config MSB *)
ConfigArray[7] := 0;
(* Ch3 Config LSB *)
ConfigArray[8] := 0;
(* Ch3 Config MSB *)
(* Write the config. data to the module*)
(* Read general module status *)
(* Read open-circuit status *)
(* Read under/overrange status *)
WriteSyncData(true,u800Slot,26,1,SyncDataArray); (* Write sync data command (A5 Hex) to the module *)
(* Read the input data from the module. *)
x := 9;
CHData := 0;
(* Preset the for loop exit value and channel data. *)
for i := 1 to x by 2 do
(* For Loop. *)
CHData := (any_to_int(Inp_DataTbl[i+1])*256 + any_to_int(Inp_DataTbl[i]));
(* Convert SINT data to INT data*)
case i of
(* Put the data into their corresponding global variables. *)
1: IF4U_S1_IN_0 := CHData;
3: IF4U_S1_IN_1 := CHData;
5: IF4U_S1_IN_2 := CHData;
7: IF4U_S1_IN_3 := CHData;
9: IF4U_S1_IN_CJC := CHData;
CHData := 0;
The sample project above can be downloaded from our website at
Electrical Specifications
Input Specifications
Inputs per module
4 current, voltage, thermocouple input channels or 2 plus
1 to 2 resistance/RTD channel or 2 to 4 resistance/RTD
Input ranges
0-20 mA, 4-20 mA, ±50 mV, ±100 mV, 0-5 V, 0-10 V,
V, types J, K, T, E thermocouple, 100Ω and 1000Ω
PT385 and Pt3916, 3000Ω resistance.
Thermocouple Accuracy
Linearization per ITS-90
System accuracy at 25 ºC (4 and 17 Hz filters)
Type J (-180 ºC to 1200 ºC) ± 1 ºC maximum
Type J (-210 ºC to -180 ºC) ± 1.4 ºC maximum
Type K (-200 ºC to 1370 ºC) ± 1 ºC maximum
Type K (-270 ºC to -200 ºC) ± 10 ºC maximum
Type T (-190 ºC to 400 ºC) ± 1.5 ºC maximum
Type T (-270 ºC to -190 ºC) ± 10 ºC maximum
Type E (-200 ºC to 1000 ºC) ± 1 ºC maximum
Type E (-270 ºC to -200 ºC) ± 8 ºC maximum
Type R (300 ºC to 1768 °C) ± 4 ºC maximum
Type R (0 ºC to 300 ºC) ± 8 ºC maximum
System accuracy at -20-65 ºC (4 and 17 Hz filters)
Type J (-180 ºC to 1200 ºC) ± 2 ºC maximum
Type J (-210 ºC to -180 ºC) ± 2.8 ºC maximum
Type K (-200 ºC to 1370 ºC) ± 2 ºC maximum
Type K (-270 ºC to -200 ºC) ± 20 ºC maximum
Type T (-190 ºC to 400 ºC) ± 3 ºC maximum
Type T (-270 ºC to -190 ºC) ± 20 ºC maximum
Type E (-200 ºC to 1000 ºC) ± 2 ºC maximum
Type E (-270 ºC to -200 ºC) ± 16 ºC maximum
Type R (300 ºC to 1768 °C) ± 6 ºC maximum
Type R (0 ºC to 300 ºC) ± 12 ºC maximum
CJC accuracy
± 3 ºC maximum