Micro800™ 4 Ch Universal Analog Input Module
Publication 0100189-04 Rev. C
Input Specifications
CJC Sensor resolution
± 0.4 ºC maximum
CJC Sensor accuracy
± 1.5 ºC maximum
Voltage Accuracy
System accuracy at 25 ºC (4 and 17 Hz filters)
± 40 µV maximum for ± 50 mV inputs
± 40 µV maximum for ± 100 mV inputs
± 6 mV maximum for 0-5 V inputs
± 20 mV maximum for 0-10 V inputs
± 20 mV maximum for ±10 V inputs
System accuracy at -20-65 ºC (4 and 17 Hz filters)
± 80 µV maximum for ± 50 mV inputs
± 80 µV maximum for ± 100 mV inputs
± 12 mV maximum for 0-5 V inputs
± 40 mV maximum for 0-10 V inputs
± 40 mV maximum for ± 10 V inputs
Current Accuracy
System accuracy at 25 ºC (4 and 17 Hz filters)
± 50 µA maximum for 0-20 mA inputs
± 50 µA maximum for 4-20 mA inputs
System accuracy at -20-65 ºC (4 and 17 Hz filters)
± 120 µA maximum for 0-20 mA inputs
± 120 µA maximum for 4-20 mA inputs
RTD Accuracy
System accuracy at 25 ºC (4 and 17 Hz filters)
± 0.7
ºC for 1000Ω Platinum 385 and 3916
± 3.1
ºC for 100Ω Platinum 3916
± 3.4
ºC for 100Ω Platinum 385
System accuracy at -20-65 ºC (4 and 17 Hz filters)
± 1.2
ºC for 1000Ω Platinum 385 and 3916
± 4.7
ºC for 100Ω Platinum 3916
± 5.1
ºC for 100Ω Platinum 385
Resistance Accuracy
System accuracy at 25º C (4 and 17 Hz filters)
± 1.5Ω for 3000Ω range
System accuracy at -20-65 ºC (4 and 17 Hz filters)
± 2.5Ω for 3000Ω range
Repeatability (at 25 ºC)
4 Hz filter
17 Hz filter
60, 240 & 470 Hz
Type J
± 0.2 ºC
± 0.4 ºC
± 1 ºC
Type K (-200 ºC to 1370 ºC)
± 0.2 ºC
± 0.4 ºC
± 2 ºC
Type K (-270 ºC to -200 ºC)
± 2 ºC
± 3.5 ºC
± 10 ºC
Type T (-190 ºC to 400 ºC)
± 0.2 ºC
± 0.4 ºC
± 2 ºC
Type T (-270 ºC to -190 ºC)
± 1 ºC
± 1.5 ºC
± 8 ºC
Type E (-200 ºC to 1000 ºC)
± 0.2 ºC
± 0.4 ºC
± 2 ºC
Type E (-270 ºC to -200 ºC)
± 1 ºC
± 1.5 ºC
± 8 ºC
Type R (300 ºC to 1768 ºC)
± 2 ºC
± 2.2 ºC
± 4 ºC
Type R (0 ºC to 300 ºC)
± 4 ºC
± 4.4 ºC
± 8 ºC
±50 mV, ±100 mV
± 20 µV
± 22 µV
± 40 µV
0-5 V, 0-10 V, +/-10 V
± 1.5 mV
± 1.8 mV
± 6 mV
0-20 mA, 4-20 mA
± 3 µA
± 4 µA
± 15 µA
RTD, Platinum 385, 3916
± 0.3 ºC
± 0.4 ºC
± 2 ºC
± 0.2 Ω
0.3 Ω
± 2 Ω
84 dB minimum at 50 and 60 Hz for 4 Hz and 17 Hz
4 Hz filter
72 dB minimum at 50 and 60 Hz
17 Hz filter
62 dB minimum at 50 and 60 Hz
-70 dB maximum
Cable resistance (applies only to 3-
and 4-wire RTD & resistance
25 Ω maximum
Input bias current
Less than ± 2.5 µA steady state for ±10 V inputs, less
than 1.75 µA for all other voltage and TC inputs. Less
than ± 40 µA peak for all voltage and TC input
These filters do not reject 50/60 Hz. Repeatability for these filters is strongly dependent
on how much 50/60 Hz noise is in the system.